My Position

Posted on 05 February 2017

  • It is better to create allies than to make enemies.
  • It is better to educate than to argue.
  • If someone is genuinely intractable, do not waste energy on them…just walk away.
  • If someone is causing genuine harm, do your best to get out of their way and/or stop them.

There will be times when I can be tired, stressed, or something is simply a hot button and these points are forgotten. Eventually I recognise that it is time to stop. I apologise if need be. I do my best to learn from the experience and move on. For the last one, it’s okay to be scared. Seek help or at least support.

I originally wrote this 2016 February 05. I think it was meant to be advice for online discussion. Under current circumstances it is completely relevant to resisting tyranny. We need the patience to create allies and the strength to face down those who seek to harm. As part of the process we have to always recognise the other person’s humanity and act accordingly. Anything less and we lose the humanity we see lacking in others.

Take care.

Peace and kindness,


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