2012 Melbourne International Comedy Festival:
• Rob Lloyd in Who, Me

Posted on 19 April 2012

When I was a kid one grandmother repeatedly told me I was like my distant cousin Margaret. It used to drive me nuts. I had never met this woman and I would much rather be seen as myself than a copy.

When I briefly met Rob Lloyd two years ago at Melbourne Fringe, my first thought was, yes, he looks a lot like Dr Who actor David Tennant. My second thought was, I bet he is told that way too many times. When he then produced a show about Dr Who, I was a little surprised. Turns out, he’s a big Dr Who fan from way back. He just lucked out with the resemblance to a recent Doctor.

Who, Me is a loving homage to all things Whovian: from early Dr Who series, to the paraphernalia, to conventions, to the modern series. I loved Lloyd’s photographs of himself at nineteen dressed up as the Jon Pertwee doctor. Also funny were the many many photos of Lloyd pimping himself out as Tennant for fan pictures.

But Who, Me is not just an orgy of science fantasy nerdiness. Lloyd also weaves into the subject stories about how he used his love of Dr Who to help him grow as a human being. Especially touching was his story about how the values held by The Doctor helped him become a better secondary teacher.

I loved the audience Lloyd attracted to his show. I am fond of multi-generational crowds. When you’ve got mum, dad, the grandparents, and grandkids all in one room smiling and laughing, it’s one of the most joyous things in the world. I love Weird Al Yankovic concerts as much for the audience as for Weird Al and his songs. I envy Lloyd that audience and would encourage him to keep aiming at that lot. The sense of fulfillment from pleasing them is tremendous.

And please them he did. Lloyd is a master at audience interaction. He had people singing, dancing, and most of all, laughing at all the right spots. His genuine good nature, human connection, and charm brought people together and created a warm memorable evening.

Rob Lloyd is so good, I truly hope he starts becoming more loved by audiences for being himself, as well as being a Doctor look-alike. Go see Who, Me. Help make this show a big hit. Help Lloyd get to Edinburgh Fringe and become all he can be. You won’t regret it.

Peace and kindness,



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