Love is the Sun!

Posted on 19 September 2017

Yellow Sunrise

1981: My first year at university. Ronald Reagan comes into power and within a year the streets of the Seattle university district are filled with homeless people.

1989: I flee an abusive marriage and end up having to live out of foodbanks. I was homeless and stood in line with those who were sleeping on the streets. I escape by marrying an Australian.

2016: Those sleeping in the streets of Melbourne Central Business District goes up by more than 70% in the last two years. It looks like the US in the 1980s (not to mention how bad it is now). I felt like drawing a line in the sand: this is not happening in Australia on my watch. Then Donald Trump is voted into office. I find myself writing protest song after protest song. I begin research on my new musical Share, about youth unemployment and homelessness. Sadly, I find those people who are transgender are over-represented among those suffering on the streets.

2017: The Australian Federal Government calls a plebiscite about whether queer couples should have their marriages recognised by Federal law. It is being used to beat up support for the right-wing government and, worse, as a means to oppress part of our country’s population.

I have a song I am making freely available in support of our queer community during a time of intense stress and bullying. Please share far and wide!


Simple words. Simple acts.
Fly like birds, our living pacts.
A light inside says I must care,
And a power within will take me there.

Flowers can break stones.
Raindrops melt mountains.
I will go where Love is the Sun.
I may be small, my heart will be mighty.
Love is the Sun. Love is the Sun.

All your fears, all your tears.
Gently now, hold strong my dears.
You be you and I will be me.
Can we be the people we were meant to be.
Find the light that is our shared humanity.
I will be there for you. I will be there for you.

Flowers can break stones.
Raindrops melt mountains.
You will go where Love is the Sun.
You may be small, your heart will be mighty.
Love is the Sun. Love is the Sun.

Love’s time is now!

Flowers can break stones.
Raindrops melt mountains.
We will go where Love is the Sun.
We may be small, our hearts will be mighty.
Love is the Sun. Love is the Sun .

Love is the Sun!

2016 CC 3.0 BY ND

In love and peace,


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