Hanging With The Cool Kids

Posted on 07 October 2014

I have never been one of the cool kids. I have never been the one people crowd around hoping for attention. I have a few fans and a few people who respect my work. But probably like many comedians, I know what it is like to be dropped or looked over for not being cool.

However, in the comedy community we know the race doesn’t always go to the prettiest such as the Paris Hiltons and Justin Biebers of the world. Nor does it even go to the people with the most training. It goes to those with a combination of luck, talent, and persistence. Josh Thomas will never be listed as one of the world’s most attractive men, but he is the lead in a show that has been successful both in Australia and in the US. Adam Hills is attractive, but he had no training and has hosted more than one successful talk show. Character actors are in much higher demand than pretty boys and girls.

As a professional writer, actor, artist, you want to hang out with a great diversity of people to inform your work, develop as a person, and to feed your soul. Distancing yourself from some people as “losers” is a surefire way to limit your career. Worse, it can give you a bad reputation. You never know who may gain or already have prominence and can give you a hand up.

Finally, for your own humanity and the health of your own heart, open up and show some genuine kindness and loyalty to the real people in your life—to the old ones as well as the young ones, the fat ones as well as the thin ones, the ones with the quirky faces, quirky personalities, the ones who find joy in unusual places. We all need to know what it is like to be accepted without being “on” all the time. We could all do with a little loving. Find your soul first and the rest will come.

Peace and kindness,


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