You Show Me Yours…

Posted on 22 November 2013

Nothing succeeds like success. So, artists don’t talk as much as they should about how difficult things can be. They want to look important because that gets them jobs, then silently live with the grief. Just so you know you are not alone, take a look at this article by Bryony Kimmings:

I want to talk about money. More importantly about making a living as an artist that has a good chunk of their income come in from touring and gigs, and the problems we face. As an artist and as a human being I want to lay my worries right out there. The conversation on twitter was about venues haggling over show costs, trying to wear you down to fit into their tight budgets and it is something that seems to be a big problem, not really talked about. So if I am the soothsayer, if I pride myself on being brave in theatre, then I always tell myself I have to be brave in the real world too.

“You Show Me Yours…”

Peace and kindness,


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