Bazaar Tales: Hilarious Horsing Around

Posted on 09 May 2013

Bazaar Tales Storytelling started life only five months ago in December. It’s the newest storytelling venue in Melbourne and claims to be Willow Tales younger prettier sister.

I didn’t go to the most recent edition of Bazaar to write a review. I went to hang out with some friends and check the venue out. However, after thoroughly enjoying myself during the first third of the show, I threw my hands up, grabbed my notebook, and quickly started taking notes. The event was impressive and deserving of praise.

Our host that evening was Jon Bennett. The subject for our storytellers was “Crime and Punishment”. Along with Jon Bennett we had such comedy luminaries as Josh Ladgrove (Dr Professor Neal Portenza), Asaf Gerchak, and Imaan Hadchiti, as well as a number of lesser known but still entertaining raconteurs. The house was packed.

My favourite story of the evening was Gerchak’s about stealing road signs as a teenager. Comic pacing and storytelling pacing are overlapping, but not entirely similar skills. Gerchak has a solid grasp of both. He does an amazing job of building dramatic tension, then caps his story with not just one but two comic twists. His resonant voice adds power to the imaginative journey he spins.

One of the fascinating aspects of the evening was how several of the comedians found ways to intertweave their stories. Spencer Hodges told a delightfully goofy story about a pervert. Jonathan Schuster then told a story about pranking Hodges on the beach. Ladgrove then told a “super story” that included all those that went before, including those by Hodges and Schuster.

Female comedians were well represented that night. Claire Sullivan regaled us with a story about her first hangover with a light whacky touch. Nat Britten made a brave choice in attempting to do a choose your own adventure story. It didn’t altogether work, but it was a nice try and probably worth developing. Arielle Conversi provided some fascinating insights into life in Florida.

I was impressed with how people were able to keep the topic light. Even Bennett’s stories about his wayward brother who manufactured meth proved more humorous and insightful than disturbing.

If you are as keen on storytelling as I am, this place is hot. I will be returning on a regular basis. Special thanks to Cathy Culliver for her hard work in making this happen.

Bazaar Tales Storytelling
Horse Bazaar
397 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
8pm first and third Tuesdays of the month

Peace and kindness,


Horse Bazaar

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