2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival:
• Jack Druce—Unqualified Life Coach

Posted on 02 April 2013

I am surprised at how early some people began their comedy careers. It’s not like other art forms don’t have their prodigies: dance, music, fine art. But unlike those sorts of creative endeavours which rely heavily on skill and talent, comedy also involves a certain amount of life experience. The better comedy also involves some introspection.

Jack Druce is only just twenty-one years old. He began performing comedy at fifteen. What does a fifteen-year-old have to say about life? Well, if that kid is an expressive introvert, probably more than you think.

Druce’s Unqualified Life Coach is good clean fun. His perspective on life has a wonderful mirthful sparkle. His observational humour ranges from his hatred of magicians to wondering at the personal resilience people showed in the face of Hurricane Sandy. I loved the cartoon quality he brought to some of his subjects such as the jazz walrus. I cheered (well clapped) at some of his Internet zingers.

He is genuinely a talented young man. I would warn him that comedy introverts attract introverted audiences who are hard to read. You have to assume they are having a good time and keep your energy up, even when you aren’t getting any cues as to a joke’s reception. Every time Druce boosted his energy by even twenty percent, his jokes became more than twenty percent funnier. Your energy as a performer is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! It’s not always the joke that’s wobbly.

Jack Druce’s material was both charming and original. His pacing was great and I loved his witty insights. He’s in a class with David O’Doherty. Good work!


Jacke Druce

Peace and kindness,


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