Narrating Our Lives

Posted on 06 December 2010

Friend and professor Dr Charles Johnson recently sent me a link that lead to this story:

Storytelling 2.0: When new narratives meet old brains

The narratives we learn to tell about our lives are important. They affect how we see ourselves and how we interact with others. Our culture insists upon repeating certain stories that encourage a less than tolerant and peaceful society. We hold onto those stories and it’s like we are trying to hang onto the culture of feudal Europe, however brutal and conducive to grinding suffering that was.

As comedians we are the playful apes, the ones who know exactly where to throw a big hand full of poo. I hope I’m not becoming boring with this, but we can become the vanguard in bringing the rest of humanity up to the modern times. Keep telling funny stories of joy, humanity, compassion, and hope.

Peace and kindness,


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