Dear Humanity

Posted on 27 January 2017

2017 January 21 Women’s March Melbourne, photo by Sally Newell

Dear Humanity,

I know you are scared and I know you are angry.
I get scared and angry too.
We are all terrified of what the future holds.
We feel so small.
And do all we can to feel big.
We try to push and force and control each other,
Because those feel like answers.
And when we don’t succeed using such blunt instruments,
We howl for punishment.
Someone’s real or metaphorical blood must be spilled.
I understand all these things.

Please stop.
No peace will be found on that path.
I can see the light you hold within humanity:
All of you.
It is real and it is strong.
However, it needs your attention.
Respect what light you find in yourself and in others.
Nurture it, help it to grow.
Feel the rich calmness of a mature love
That wishes nothing but well for all living beings.
You will find a future worth living in that way.
Take care of yourself humanity.

Your friend,

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