Difficult Times

Posted on 17 February 2015

Dear Readers,

I have hit a difficult time. Currently, neither my partner nor I have a regular income. We had sufficient savings to keep us going for six months, and now we are running out and about to miss a mortgage payment.

I have a new job putting together workshops for a makers cooperative. However, I will see no money until the workshops are happening and attracting funds. And let’s be honest, I’m in the arts. I’m unlikely to ever make a living wage.

I am currently getting around 160,000 unique hits a month for “Bildung-o-rama in 3D”. I gave up on advertising on either my website or my blog, because advertising usually makes very little money and clutters the site.

I would deeply appreciate it if my dedicated readers pressed the donate button on the right hand side of the page under the “search” field. Even a little bit would help with the groceries. If people would be interested in purchasing a compilation of my articles into a book on comedy, let me know. That might be another good place for grocery money.

Thank you so much for your support and interest over the years.

Peace and kindness,



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