Feel-good humour for when we’re feeling bad

Posted on 10 December 2013

The question this raises is, of course, why? Why are we cuddling our comedy shows instead of laughing cynically at the ruin of others? Why do we find Sarah Millican’s apparently off-the-cuff monologues about boyfriends, food and weight – hardly the stuff of satire – so entertaining? This is a world where even the stadium-friendly humour of Michael McIntyre comes off as clever and cynical. It’s everywhere, comedy that’s the stand-up equivalent of a basket of meerkats curled up by the fire, humour that’s only slightly less threatening than a John Lewis Christmas advert.

The clue, I think, lies in the grim times we inhabit.

~ David Quantick
The Telegraph

Word up, David!

Peace and kindness,


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