A Punter in Praise of Comedy

Posted on 13 November 2012

Yuki Fox wrote the below on one of my Google+ messages, 08 November this year. If you want a real pick-me-up on how valuable comedy is to the public, read on. This was so well stated, I just had to share.

I consider comedy and those who can create it the proverbial “grease” that lubricates society’s wheels.

Comedy can be used to ease tension in interpersonal relationships, create rapport, enhance information exchange, and highlight issues.   I am always appreciative of someone who can utilise this essential skill and am in awe of those who can share and teach comedy to others.  It is both an art and a science; a skill we all use and receive and without it, I would not be able to get through a day.

A case in point: Every day I have a nurse visit and we go from some rather awkward and unpleasant activities surrounding my health. A little humour and a positive attitude gets through these events, all due to emulating people such as yourself.

To relax: I use all sorts of animated and situational comedy shows.  Written again by comedic writers.

My favourite ways to study topics such as physics, history and maths is via online videos—particularly ones which are light-hearted as it makes the information much easier to digest.

Humour soothes situations, eases tensions, and energizes all those involved.   It is almost a universal tonic for coping with being in society.

Take away comedy…and there would be a lot more angry, violent and depressed people in the world.

Thank you Yuki!

Peace and kindness,


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