Pitching and Publicity through Social Media

Posted on 17 February 2012

I have been hearing marketing and publicity people pushing Facebook as THE place to rally audience and financial supporters for crowdfunding campaigns. Facebook has its limitations.

Young people will use it as a form of social collecting. To reassure themselves they have lots of compatriots, they will “friend” as many people as they can. If these connections aren’t genuine, they can send out invitation after invitation to events and get little response.

Comedians who friend mostly other comedians will also be in trouble. Come to my show, you say. However, your show may be running at the same time as my show and if it’s not, as an associate and comedian, I’m probably getting in for free.

You would do best to have a personal Facebook account and an account specifically for your shows. Then cultivate your audience visiting your professional Facebook page, in order to find out about upcoming gigs and cash in on any special offers made available only there.

Also of great use is to get word of mouth going through blogs. People trust the opinions of their favourite bloggers. When more than one blog features you, your name is more likely to appear at the top of Google searches. It’s also classier than Facebook. You are more likely to attract people with money.

Blogs are not a vast virgin territory. Many people have and are still trying to mine for attention through that medium. So your approach to a blogger must be engaging and respectful.

An outstanding article on how to gain access to a blog’s readership is:

How to Pitch Your Film’s Crowdfunding Campaign to Bloggers the Right Way by Evan Luzi.

Evan gives very real advice, not just marketing pap. Give it a look.

Peace and kindness,


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