Glove and Boots: Time Machine

Posted on 23 January 2012

I do watch film and television comedies. In fact my highest aspiration is to write scripts for television and/or film. However, as far as this blog is concerned, I mostly stick with live comedy. Many people are already covering the other, and live is such a rich fertile ground for experimentation and growth. If you were to ask me what my favourite media-produced comedy is at the moment, it’s a video blog: Glove and Boots.

Glove and Boots follows the thoughts, insights, and adventures of a group of puppets. The two lead puppets are Fafa the groundhog, and Mario, a red, bearded fellow. Their delivery is more Crow and Tom Servo of Mystery Science Theater 3000 than The Muppets. Their humour is squarely aimed at a grown up audience who still enjoy a bit of whimsy and chaos.

Big media loves their storytelling formulas. Large sums of money are being invested, so they want surefire winners. The problem is they get safe, bland, and forgetable stories. So when something like Glove and Boots comes along playing both with and outside these formulas, the laughter is long and loud. Surprise is key to comedy. You drop the formulas, you get more surprise. I love not knowing what’s coming next and being delighted when I get there.

The below selection is my favourite episode from the blog. Pay close attention to the paraphernalia in the room. They place a lot of running gags and referential jokes in the background.

Peace and kindness,


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