Dealing With Spam

Posted on 19 January 2010

Yes, I know it has been awhile since my last post. I’m in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival! I’ve been madly writing, producing, and practising my show. You’ll be hearing from me soon as I start to post the details.

In the meantime I’m having some difficulty with this site because I am receiving a dozen spam messages a day. I have done my best to be fair and discover who is making a legitimate comment and who is just trying to get free advertising. I don’t even  mind the free advertising so much if it is at least genuinely relevant.

For the moment, except when I get messages that are clearly in response to an article and not just a generic comment, I am deleting everything.  It’s just too hard trying to sort things and ends up eating into time I could use for posting more articles. Even this much may go in a week or two if I continue being bombarded with junk.

I am so sorry that a few idiots are spoiling things for everyone. Do keep having fun. We shall rise above this nonsense.

Peace and kindness,


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